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Dynamo-why and how
The world is changing. Artificial Intelligence easily beats the most powerful chess engines, creates music and art, drives cars, writes its own code.
Architecture and Construction, being big and cumbersome (also regulated by governments) are always a bit behind in technology implementation. But they catch up eventually.
The world, the industry have become more demanding for what’s included in deliverables. Ideally everything is well thought of and simulated first and only then approved and built.
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We use sophisticated BIM software in place of ink and paper. The software gets more sophisticated and there are numerous plugins that allow it to do even more.
Big companies have their own plugins. Big companies have R&D and coding departments.
But even big companies use Dynamo and have it in their job requirements.
Dynamo (alongside other visual programming tools for other programs) is the most democratic way to adopt new technologies into your work and to adapt to the changes happening.
What has already started today and what’s also coming in the near foreseeable future is an environment where
everybody working on the project has on their fingertips the power that computational design and visual programming offer
It is a quick and agile way to harness them during a project and only then if it is something that might be used on multiple other projects you might want to consult with the developers (if you have any) if it is worthy to make a plugin out of this, or at least, how to improve what’s already done.
Dynamo is powerful and in many scenarios is better than custom add-ins since:
It is more agile.
It has a geometric engine.
It doesn’t require software developers.
Dynamo graphs are made by Revit users: students, architects, engineers.
Not by programmers.
I see it this way:
The more you can do with Revit the more value you have as a specialist using the software
Dynamo expands the limits that Revit has. Learning Dynamo expands your mind. You learn to think computationally, you learn more about how Revit runs internally, you start being more efficient and you start craving to learn more and do more things with it. I have to warn you. Once you get the basics and start applying it to your work it becomes very addictive.
I teach people how to use Revit and Dynamo.
I had the desire to create an online course for a long time, but I saw there were already plenty of other courses. And I had the choice:
To make a cheap short course that gives just the basics or helps with a single problem like everyone else
To create something special.
I went with the second option. I created a complete course. We start with the basics and then through various examples, we go through every necessary thing so
you can start using Dynamo on your own the moment you finish the course
It’s kinda like a driver’s course - once you finish it you can start driving on the streets on your own. (And also like a driver's license - does not give you years of experience - that's up to you to achieve).
But that wasn’t enough, I wanted to stand out with my course, so I added a section that teaches my way of approaching and solving problems with Dynamo. It teaches the mental process I have in my head that helps me whenever I have to solve a problem. I’m breaking down some more complex Dynamo graphs there to show you how this mental process is used to combine the methods taught in the previous sections of the course in order to create a complex solution for a real-life project.
And, of course,
you get all the necessary files (rvt, dyn and others) for each lecture
Since (especially before the Corona times) some people were reluctant to get online courses because they feel they are left on their own I’m giving course participants access to a private Facebook group where
I’m gonna be live occasionally answering questions and getting in touch
Other people are still reluctant to buy things on the internet because they might be bad quality and I understand that. That’s why I partnered with Udemy for my course. Udemy has standards for their courses and also provides a
30 day no questions asked money-back guarantee
So you don’t take any risk. The risk is entirely on me. You can enrol in the course, watch it, do the exercises and then still get your money back.
What do you get?
1. Learn (or refresh) the Basics. Lists, functions and logic. - Beginners courses are anywhere between $20 and $50 on Udemy and much more if you get an on-site workshop.
2. Various multi-purpose examples, mostly built from scratch - over $300 if sold separately on Udemy and, again, much more if actually taught in person.
3. Over 10 hours of video - most Dynamo courses on Udemy are between 1,5 and 3.5 hours long.
4. Work files and materials - you get the finished files shown in the videos and also templates to start the exercises.
5. A unique problem-solving section that teaches you how to approach and solve a real problem with your newly obtained skills. - This could be a separate course actually and it has a great value. I guess someone's gonna copy this from me soon.
6. Break down of complex Dynamo graphs used in real projects. Here you'll see how it all adds up
7. Access to a private Facebook group where you can ask questions.
And as a bonus: claim any paid download on my website and I’ll send it to you for free.
That’s just a quick summary though.
See the detailed curriculum of the course here:
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